Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press [F3]. A ticked checkbox labeled "Disable Console" will appear at the top left. Press [F8] to get a pointer and uncheck the box to activate the console window. Press [Enter], then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: If you restart the game, you must press one of the overlay keys first, such as [F3], before pressing the console key.


Result Cheat Code
Invincibility nodamage
Infinite oxygen oxygen
Faster building fastbuild
All blueprints unlocked allblueprints
No crafting or building costs nocost
No radiation radiation
Free useful items madloot
Can go faster and slower speed
Teleport to biomes biome [name]
Teleport to safety warpme
Spawn Cyclops sub cyclops
Spawn Exosuit spawn exosuit
Spawn Seamoth spawn seamoth 1
Spawn indicated item item [name] [amount]
Set to day day
Set to night night
Set speed of day and night daynightspeed